SURVEY hai gaisss disini saya ingin menyampaikan tentang survey, mari kita simak sama sama yukk. Saya akan menjelaskan tentang definisi survey, fungsi, dan contohnya seperti berikut ; 1) DEFINITION SURVEY : A survey (survey) or a complete independent survey is a method of collecting primary data by asking questions to each respondent. Or obtain data that occurred in the past or present, about beliefs, opinions, characteristics, behavior related variables and to test some hypotheses about the social and psychological variables of the sample. nah, itu adalah pengertian dari survey gais mari kita simak tentang apa saja sihh fungsi fungsi dari survey? 2) FUNCTION : To get the facts from the existing symptoms seeking factual information from a group, area, etc. Evaluation and compare things that have been done by other people in dealing with similar things. Conducted on a number of individuals/units either by census or sample. The results are for plann...